The TMTP Programming Interface

These are the calls that applications use to interact with TMTP.

Group Management Functions

int CreateGroup(char *pgName, char *by, int typeofCommn)

pgName is the name of the process group.
by is the name of the person creating the group.
typeofcommn is DISSEMINATION or GROUP (??)

CreateGroup creates a TMTP group and registers it with the session directory. A negative return value indicates failure.

int JoinGroup(char *pgName, int joinMode)

pgName is the name of the process group.
joinMode is how the calling process wants to join the group. It can be either SENDER, RECEIVER or BOTH.

JoinGroup joins the calling process into the group with the specified mode and registers the process with the session directory. A negative return value indicates failure.

int LeaveGroup(char *pgName, int leaveMode)

pgName is the name of the process group.
leaveMode is how the calling process wants to leave the group. It can be either SENDER, RECEIVER or BOTH.

LeaveGroup removes the calling process from the group with the specified mode and registers this info with the session directory. A negative return value indicates failure.

int DeleteGroup(char *pgName, char *by)

pgName is the name of the process group.
by is the person who is deleting the group. It should be the same as the person who created the group.

DeleteGroup deletes the group and registers this info with the session directory. A negative return value indicates failure.

Communication Functions

int tmtp_send(int gid, char *msg, int len, sockaddr *replyaddr)

gid is a group id number returned by joingroup.
msg is a pointer to a buffer containing data to be sent to the group.
len is the number of bytes to send.
replyaddr is the unicast address that this process will listen on for unicast replies to the process. this field is optional.

A message id for use in subsequent tmtp_waitformsg() call is returned.

int tmtp_recv(int gid, char *msg, int len, sockaddr *replyaddr, senderinfo *senderaddr)

gid is a group id number returned by joingroup.
msg is a pointer to a buffer into which data should be read.
len is the maximum length of msg buffer.
replyaddr is the unicast address that the sending process listens on for unicast replies to the process. this field is optional.
senderaddr will contain the sender's machine address and process id (maybe just the processes port id).

The number of bytes contained in the message (or an error value) is returned.

int TMTPWaitForMsg(int mId)

mId is the unique message id returned by TMTPSend.

TMTPWaitForMsg returns when all the intended receivers of the message have received all the packets of the message.